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Gender Policy - Polli Bangla

Gender Policy


To create the opportunity for the underprivileged to live a life of dignity and pride.



To inspire and empower the underprivileged to live a life with dignity through holistic education and care for orphans & senior citizens.



Palli Bangla Unnayan Shohojogita Sangstha is very focused on minimizing the gap between the privileged and underprivileged. Since inception, Palli Bangla Unnayan Shohojogita Sangstha is very much focused on female education and ownership of female child as it is based on the vision to create the opportunity for the underprivileged to live a life of dignity and pride. It was believed by our sincere founder that female education can be seen as a catalyst for change within family, community and society. Palli Bangla Unnayan Shohojogita Sangstha is well-aware about its equal treatment for its clients, stakeholders, employees regardless of their cultural origin, ethnicity, religion and gender. The UN Convention of the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) was sanctioned by the Government of Bangladesh (GOB) in 1984. Government of Bangladesh has made a commitment to take the necessary measures to eliminate discrimination against women in all forms (CEDAW, 8th periodic report, 2015). The Constitution of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh recognizes gender equality as one of the fundamental human rights for promoting the welfare and development for the people of Bangladesh in general and women in particular(Gender policy, 2016). Palli Bangla Unnayan Shohojogita Sangstha acknowledges and abides by all of these policies and ratifications for equipping the girls with functional literacy skills, IT skills and quality education. Palli Bangla Unnayan Shohojogita Sangstha  is trying its best to minimize the gap between the underprivileged and privileged group. Palli Bangla Unnayan Shohojogita Sangstha  supports fair treatment for any employee regardless of their origin, ethnic background and status. This manual will be revised, supervised and updated by management of Palli Bangla Unnayan Shohojogita Sangstha  when needed.


What is Gender?

The state of being male or female (typically used with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones). In broader perspective, gender is a socially established norms and attitudes to define male and female’s role differently.


In another term, gender refers to socially structured identities, attributes and roles for men and women. And the social and structural meaning attached to biological difference between men and women result in hierarchical relationships between men and women and in equal distribution of power and rights that favors men and disfavors women, (Research report, 2014, Strengthening Health System Responses to Gender-based Violence in Eastern Europe and Central Asia)


Although the terms sex and gender are often used interchangeably, they, in fact, have distinct meanings. Sex is a classification based on biological differences for example, differences between males and females rooted in their anatomy or physiology. By contrast, gender is a classification based on the social construction (and maintenance) of cultural distinctions between males and females. Gender refers to “a social construct regarding culture-bound conventions, roles, and behaviors for, as well as relations between and among, women and men, boys and girls (Krieger N, 2003).


Definition of Gender Discrimination

Gender discrimination is the type of discrimination which is based on the gender of the person. Usually, women are treated differently and unequal than men in their education, career, economic advancement and political influences. It is a common type of discrimination that is happening throughout the world, even in the developed countries. These factors are to some extent same or prevalent in all countries around the world.


Gender Discrimination Types

The sexual discrimination exists in many different types all over the world. Most common types that we experience on daily basis have been discussed below (Khan Umair, 2015, Gender Discrimination Definition Types &Examples):

  1. Discrimination in Education:Women are treated unequally when it is matter of admissions, recruitments, financial aid, grading, housing, classroom assignment, counseling, guidance, academic programs, vocational education, and discipline. PALLI BANGLA UNNAYAN SHOHOJOGITA SANGSTHA  operates focused intervention to promote women contribution towards family, community and society.


  1. Discrimination in Employment:This is a major problem women have to face in workplace. They are deprived of the basic rights at the workplace and often harassed by the co-workers. Just because they are females, they are not assigned jobs which they are capable of doing. Even employers sometimes treat women unfairly. In many workplaces, women are a minority. Therefore, females are always under the pressure from the work environment. Sometimes, even customers target the female employees and results in embarrassing situations for them. Palli Bangla Unnayan Shohojogita Sangstha encourages fair process in recruitment and the management is very open to everyone.


  1. Wage Discrimination:There have been many situations in which men and women perform the same type of work and they probably have the same education too, but still employers do not give equal pay to the women employee. This difference is merely because of gender inequality. Palli Bangla Unnayan Shohojogita Sangstha  does not dishonor women’s contribution. On the contrary Palli Bangla Unnayan Shohojogita Sangstha highlights and patronizes capacity development for all of its employees.


  1. Maternity and Pregnancy Discrimination at Work:In case of a pregnant woman, some employers do not even like to interview them. Many females at their workplace hide their pregnancy just because of the fear of getting fired. Sometimes, they are even demoted. Palli Bangla Unnayan Shohojogita Sangstha  does not discriminate women based on their social role and recognizes their contribution in building a healthy future generation.


What does it mean by Gender Policy in Palli Bangla Unnayan Shohojogita Sangstha?

Socially, women are considered to be the disadvantaged group by birth in Bangladesh. By its mission, Palli Bangla Unnayan Shohojogita Sangstha wants to minimize the gap between advantaged and disadvantaged group by equally empowering the women in their families, society and community through offering functional literacy for female child, installing skill-generating activities for mothers. At the organization level, during recruitment and selection of employees, Palli Bangla Unnayan Shohojogita Sangstha ensures that there is no discrimination, direct or indirect, against any person on the ground of race, color, nationality, ethnic origin, religion, disability, age, sex, sexual, orientation, marital. This organization is focused on establishing mutual harmony in regards to policy formation, indicating policy operation, establishing new roles, prioritizing issues and solving the problem, celebrating success together etc. Thereby strictly maintains gender norms and values and women’s contribution in achieving its goal. Palli Bangla Unnayan Shohojogita Sangstha is always ready to guide, train and promote awareness among its employees about gender specific rules and norms.


During official orientation, along with HR manual and operational strategy, employees are bound to commit to maintain women friendly code of conduct in official environment. This organization is concerned with promoting women empowerment and women leadership in its operational principle.



In Palli Bangla Unnayan Shohojogita Sangstha, both in Orphan care and Education program, most of the service providers and clients are female. Palli Bangla Unnayan Shohojogita Sangstha tries to empower girls in its Education and Orphanage care programs and evolve around an inclusive environment. We try to recruit qualified women in this sector for encouraging women leadership.


Rationale for Gender policy

There are some predominated aspects in our country and countries around the world regarding gender i.e. Women Works Longer than Men, Inequality in Employment and Earnings, Ownership Inequality, Survival Inequality, Gender Bias in the Distribution of Education and Health, Gender Inequality in Freedom Expre­ssion, Gender Inequality in Respect of Violence and Victimization (Shruti, Economic discussion, 7 Forms of Gender Inequality – Discussed!)


Gender discrimination may always happen when people are unfairly treated because they are either male or female (Nabil A Naser, 2014, Gender Discrimination in Bangladesh: Beyond Writing!) Palli Bangla Unnayan Shohojogita Sangstha always tries avoiding issues which come as a barrier to promote women empowerment.


Palli Bangla Unnayan Shohojogita Sangstha firmly takes the focus on empower of women through most of its intervention. It’s directing most of its programs around women empowerment. In Palli Bangla Unnayan Shohojogita Sangstha, male and female employees maintain gender friendly environment. Both of the groups are equal and contribute equally for the project which reinforces a women friendly environment.  Palli Bangla Unnayan Shohojogita Sangstha acknowledges and addresses that universally, although both men and women in the workplace face complex and different challenges, women are disproportionately affected by:


■ Exposure to the most vulnerable situations in a workforce (e.g., as migrants or home workers); and

■ Specific gender roles as women (e.g. caretaker, expectant mother and mother)


All employees of Palli Bangla Unnayan Shohojogita Sangstha try to ensure gender neutral behaviour. Palli Bangla Unnayan Shohojogita Sangstha does not impose requirements that disproportionately disadvantage women or any particular individual.



What does Palli Bangla Unnayan Shohojogita Sangstha do to ensure gender sensitive environment?

  • Palli Bangla Unnayan Shohojogita Sangstha encourages taking initiatives and decision following a fair process where everyone’s mutual agreement is assessed.
  • Palli Bangla Unnayan Shohojogita Sangstha ensures gender needs and requirements are fairly articulated and addressed. i. e: monthly health check up for free, separate toilet, prayer room, full paid maternity leave, day care center, awareness building session on sanitation and reproductive health with students etc.
  • This organization put high value in highlighting potentials/skills in both male and female employees.
  • Palli Bangla Unnayan Shohojogita Sangstha education program and orphan care program takes care of girl children and tries to instill skills and attitudes which reinforces women empowerment and women leadership in the long run.
  • Palli Bangla Unnayan Shohojogita Sangstha staff is well aware about gender sensitive environment so, employees will not use any types of inappropriate remarks, gesture and posture in any manner.
  • Palli Bangla Unnayan Shohojogita Sangstha promotes such an environment where all professionals can demonstrate equal possession of official property and get involved in its decision making process.
  • Palli Bangla Unnayan Shohojogita Sangstha provides 6 months full paid maternity leave for its female employees for exclusive breast feeding and contribute to healthier future generation.
  • In the Education Program, Palli Bangla Unnayan Shohojogita Sangstha involves and highlights and counts on the students’ mother’s opinion in monthly parent’s teacher meeting. All of the teachers in Palli Bangla Unnayan Shohojogita Sangstha School are female.
  • In Palli Bangla Unnayan Shohojogita Sangstha, stakeholders and external stakeholders are also aware about gender specific norms.
  • Palli Bangla Unnayan Shohojogita Sangstha highlights women’s participation in sports, music, education, art competitions and digital literacy. Thereby, tries to promote equal participation of both boys and girls.
  • Palli Bangla Unnayan Shohojogita Sangstha keeps separate session on female hygiene and reproductive health for its school program.
  • Palli Bangla Unnayan Shohojogita Sangstha keeps sanitary napkin, separate bathrooms; medical and casual leaves for women employees to deal with emergency situation.
  • Palli Bangla Unnayan Shohojogita Sangstha staffs will not use language, gesture and body language which may seem inappropriate in greetings, official and informal conversation.
  • Use gender neutral materials in classroom and orphan care i.e. depiction of image which represents boys and girls.
  • Palli Bangla Unnayan Shohojogita Sangstha employees must use gender neutral words in its official atmosphere and encourage the employees to do the same in their social correspondence.
  • For selecting children’s toys, gender neutral toys gets preference i.e. equal distribution of picture of boy and girls showing body parts and different emotions.
  • Palli Bangla Unnayan Shohojogita Sangstha also ensures the safety of its female employees in the workplace, including women in fire drill, earth quake evacuation drill etc.
  • Employment-related benefits and rights are same for its entire employee regardless of their sex or gender.



Code of Conduct for Staffs of Palli Bangla Unnayan Shohojogita Sangstha for reinforcing gender sensitive Environment:

  • In the working community, all of its staffs are encouraged to offer support and motivation for equal participation in any sort of activities around the organization.


  • Office admin and management will not provide any gender sensitive learning opportunities and feedback for its employee.


  • Teachers and staffs will not show any gender biased attitude by providing and using sexually oriented toys or classroom materials.
  • Sexual harassment of any form will not be accepted in the workplace. Sexual harassment, including verbal, physical and psychological will be dealt with strictly.
  • Employees will restrict themselves from various forms of sexual abuse instigated or facilitated through the use of information and communication technologies, stalking, and bullying.
  • It is the responsibility of all employees of Palli Bangla Unnayan Shohojogita Sangstha organization to proactively take all steps necessary to prevent incidents of unlawful discrimination of all kinds.
  • Palli Bangla Unnayan Shohojogita Sangstha employees will not be involving themselves in any kinds of harassment of their colleagues.
  • Palli Bangla Unnayan Shohojogita Sangstha always encourage women to apply in any position. Palli Bangla Unnayan Shohojogita Sangstha stand very firm regarding sexual harassment at work.


Implementation strategy

This policy guideline will work as a working document in relation to gender related issues in Palli Bangla Unnayan Shohojogita Sangstha.  Implementation process will underline the following steps:


  • The implementation of this policy will begin with the Endorsement of the Gender Policy by the Board of executive committee and senior management.


  • Provision for keeping adequate and expert gender sensitive resources will be available at the organization. If needed involvement of gender analysis will be considered during revision and implementing gender related research.


  • Palli Bangla Unnayan Shohojogita Sangstha will take special initiatives to make its staff aware about gender related issues. Development of special initiatives to raise awareness of gender issues and monitor implementation of gender policy in the organization. Palli Bangla Unnayan Shohojogita Sangstha will celebrate women’s day to promote contribution of women.


  • Review and revision of all internal policies, procedures and rules in light of the


Gender Policy.

  • Palli Bangla Unnayan Shohojogita Sangstha management will promote increased women’s representation in key decision-making.


Monitoring and actions taken (breaching of gender policy)

There will be a assigned team involved to monitor this policy is in practise. Required adaptation and revision will be done through this team. Each year women performance will be recorded and highlighted in management level.


If record of breaching of this policy found in any wings of Palli Bangla Unnayan Shohojogita Sangstha, following measurement will be taken:


  • Immediate line manager will be informed and send notice to the employee (on the spot or immediately after any incidence happens).
  • Let top management know about the incidence for judgement and prompt action.
  • Take lawyer’s suggestion and immediate action.


A slogan :  Need for sharing, example Towards Gender Equality or Equity(any one) 

About Palli Bangla Unnayan Shohojogita Sangstha .

-Rationale /introduction for Palli Bangla Unnayan Shohojogita Sangstha .  Policy:

-Goal /Objective: Every activities has a goal/objective, it is a standard idea.

-Organizational Measures

-Expected outcome: We’re hooping.

– Discrimination: Will be added gender discrimination against women

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